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  • Writer's pictureTinkarchii

Energy drinks - yes or no?

More and more people drink energy drinks daily. They don't even consume coffee anymore, because that type of drinks are stronger. You need to stay awake because you work at night. You surely drink energy drinks which keep you awake. We know a lot of different trade marks such as: Redbull, Monster, Sexergy, Burn and so on. Drinks taste differently because they have aromas : cherry, coconut, strawberry, etc. Aromas give good taste. You don't have enough time to go to caffeteria or you don't drink cofee. So what do you do? For example you buy an energy drink and also save money because it's cheaper, too. I believe that many people drink cofee only as habit – they need to drink it at least once a day and it doesn't have effect on them. What is more they can easily drink it before sleeping but they will sleep normally. Coffees have less coffeine than energy drinks. That's the reason we can't sleep if we drink it before we go to bed. Main ingridients of energy drinks are: caffeine, taurin, guarana (it's like additional caffeine), glucoronolacton, B vitamins and sugar.

However, there is a lot of sugar contained. You probably didn't know that those drinks can lead to obesity, did you?

I mean if you drink a couple of cans per day, every day.

Have you ever wondered why your heart beats so fast and so rapidly after drinking Monster? That is because you consumed too much caffeine. Many people died because of heart attack after drinking several energy drinks. What is more, kids and teenagers shouldn't drink that because drinks contain hormonal distrupptors.

We can't substitute drinking water or lacking of sleep with those drinks. Have you ever been thirsty after drinking Redbull or coffee? This is because caffeine pumps water from our body. Scientists say that you should drink a lot of water before you drink any type of drink which includes caffeine. I believe we all have been tired and we tried to substitute our tiredness.

All in all, energy drinks can't substitute lack of sleeping, they give us just »seemingly« tiredness.

Do you have headaches after drinking energy drinks? The reason is also consuming too much sugar. Secondly, drinks can be very addictive because of their ingridients.

What is more coffeine doesn't affect your heart but also your brain. Have you ever been shaking after drinking it or felt anxious?

Yes it can also do a big damage to your »well-being.«

All things considered if you feel tired go to sleep and sleep as long as you need. You definitely won't be tired. Organize your working schedule and you won't have troubles because of energy drinks.

So, what do you prefer more - drinking coffee or energy drinks?

I need to drink coffee everyday. I drink energy drinks only once a month.

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