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  • Writer's pictureTinkarchii

He cheated on me, what now?

In some relationships there is a lot of cheating. Sometimes cheating is a mistake, but some people cheat on purpose – with a specific reason. There are a lot of reasons: a girl and a boy aren't from the same city, he likes a lot of girls around him / in his company, he has still feelings for his ex or he hasn't got a reason : he just likes doing that for fun. Some guys later realizes their mistake and can promise, not to happen again. Some of them will cheat over and over again without guilty conscience. I'm sure that cheating shouldn't be present in a relationship.

How to know if he is cheating on you?

· He ignores your calls

· 24/7 active on social media

· Always on his phone, even with you

· He is acting differently

· Hangs a lot with girls, even his exes

· Texts with a lot of girls - i don't mean his long – time friends, but random girls

· He doesn't want to cut off other girls, even if you ask him to

· There are a lot of giirls in his social media contacts

· You don't know where he is

I know you've been hurt. It's okay to cry. I understand you, because you were with him for a very long time, you two have a lot of memories. It can happen to you, to get his password and see all his messages to other girls. Everything will get clear to you and it depends only on you, how will you react on situation. Break up is the best way. Girl, that won't be easy, because you will need some time and you will need to learn, how to live without him. There is another way - you can talk to him about it, he can promise not to do mistakes, and that he will tell you everything so far on.

Darling, don't worry, karma will come after him. You deserve a loyal boyfriend, who will love you, respect you and won't lie to you. The best way is that you get a boyfriend, who was already been cheated on. He knows what it feels like if someone plays with your feelings, you know.

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